Equinox Cycling




Junior Visual Designer


Experiential, Tablet & Mobile Companion Apps

Equinox Cycling hero


As a Junior Visual designer at R/GA I got the opportunity to contribute to the Pursuit — an experiential indoor cycling class. In my role, I was one of four responsible for the visual design of screens touching the in-class screen, rider app, and instructor app.

Equinox fire up


An immersive classroom experience.

Equinox leaderboard
Equinox cycling class

Mobile Guide

In-Class Mode is the riders companion in their on-bike experience allowing them to track their performance live.

Equinox In Class Mode
In Class mode product shots
In Class mode product shots

Instructors App

The instructor app enables them to engage with the class more by tracking rider performance.

Equinox instructors app
Equinox instructors app tablet